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In the image of God

    • In the image of God, 
    • We were made long ago, 
    • With the purpose divine, 
    • Here His glory to show; 
    • But we failed Him one day, 
    • And like sheep went astray, 
    • Thinking not of the cost, 
    • We His likeness had lost. 

    • But from eternity God had in mind, 
    • The work of Calvary, the lost to find, 
    • From His heaven so broad, 
    • Christ came down earth to trod, 
    • So that men might live again, 
    • In the image of God. 

    • Now that I have believed, 
    • And the Saviour received, 
    • Now that I from the cry, 
    • Of my guilt am relieved, 
    • I will live for the Lord, 
    • Not for gain nor reward, 
    • But for love, thinking of what, 
    • His grace has restored! 

    • I'll never comprehend redemption's plan, 
    • How Christ could condescend to die for man, 
    • Such a Saviour I'll praise, 
    • To the end of my days, 
    • As a upward, onward trod, 
    • In the image of God

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 821 times