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It came upon the midnight

    • It came upon the midnight clear, 
    • that glorious song of old, 
    • from angels bending near the earth 
    • to touch their harps of gold: 
    • ‘Peace on the earth, goodwill to men 
    • from heaven‟s all-gracious king!’ 
    • The world in solemn stillness lay 
    • to hear the angels sing. 

    • With sorrow brought by sin and strife 
    • the world has suffered long, 
    • and, since the angels sang, have passed 
    • two thousand years of wrong; 
    • for man at war with man hears not 
    • the love-song which they bring: 
    • O hush the noise, you men of strife, 
    • and hear the angels sing! 

    • And those whose journey now is hard, 
    • whose hope is burning low, 
    • who tread the rocky path of life 
    • with painful steps and slow: 
    • O listen to the news of love 
    • which makes the heavens ring! 
    • O rest beside the weary road 
    • and hear the angels sing! 

    • And still the days are hastening on - 
    • by prophets seen of old - 
    • towards the fulness of the time 
    • when comes the age foretold: 
    • then earth and heaven renewed shall see 
    • the Prince of Peace, their king; 
    • and all the world repeat the song 
    • which now the angels sing

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Edmund Hamilton Sears , Language: English, Viewed: 468 times