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I have a Shepherd

    • I have a Shepherd, One I love so well; 
    • how He has blessed me tongue can never tell; 
    • on the Cross He suffered, shed His blood and died, 
    • that I might ever in His love confide. 

    • Following Jesus, ever day by day, 
    • nothing can harm me when He leads the way; 
    • darkness or sunshine, whate‟er befall, 
    • Jesus, the Shepherd, is my All in All. 

    • Pastures abundant doth His hand provide, 
    • still waters flowing ever at my side, 
    • goodness and mercy follow on my track, 
    • with such a Shepherd nothing can I lack. 

    • When I would wander from the path astray, 
    • then He will draw me back into the way; 
    • in the darkest valley I need fear no ill, 
    • for He, my Shepherd, will be with me still. 

    • When labour‟s ended and the journey done, 
    • then He will lead me safely to my home; 
    • there I shall dwell in rapture sure and sweet, 
    • with all the loved ones gathered round His feet

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Leonard Weaver , Language: English, Viewed: 1376 times