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Once again the Gospel message

    • Once again the Gospel message 
    • from the Saviour you have heard; 
    • Will you heed the invitation? 
    • Will you turn and seek the Lord? 

    • Come believing! come believing! 
    • Come to Jesus! look and live! 
    • Come believing! come believing! 
    • Come to Jesus! look and live! 

    • Many summers you have wasted, 
    • ripened harvests you have seen; 
    • winter snows by spring have melted, 
    • yet you linger in your sin. 

    • Jesus for your choice is waiting; 
    • tarry not; at once decide! 
    • While the Spirit now is striving, 
    • yield, and seek the Saviour‟s side. 

    • Cease of fitness to be thinking; 
    • do not longer try to feel! 
    • It is trusting, and not feeling, 
    • that will give the Spirit‟s seal. 

    • Let your will to God be given, 
    • trust in Christ‟s atoning blood; 
    • look to Jesus now in heaven, 
    • rest on His unchanging word. ......

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Daniel W Whittle, Language: English, Viewed: 2273 times