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On this assembled host

    • On this assembled host, 
    • in this accepted hour, 
    • O Spirit, as at Pentecost, 
    • descend in all your pow'r! 
    • We meet with one accord 
    • in our appointed place, 
    • and wait the promise of our Lord, 
    • the Spirit of all grace. 

    • Like mighty rushing wind 
    • upon the waves beneath, 
    • move with one impulse ev'ry mind; 
    • one soul, one feeling, breathe. 
    • Both young and old inspire 
    • with wisdom from above; 
    • and give us hearts and tongues of fire, 
    • to pray and praise and love. 

    • Spirit of light, explore 
    • and chase our gloom away, 
    • with brightness shining more and more 
    • until the perfect day. 
    • Spirit of truth, we pray, 
    • for ever be our guide; 
    • O Spirit of adoption, may 
    • we all be sanctified. ......

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: James Montgomery, Language: English, Viewed: 710 times