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Oh! the bitter shame

    • Oh, this uttermost salvation! 
    • „This a fountain full and free, 
    • pure, exhaustless, ever flowing, 
    • wondrous grace! it reaches me! 

    • It reaches me! it reaches me! 
    • wondrous grace! it reaches me! 
    • Pure, exhaustless, ever flowing, 
    • wondrous grace! it reaches me! 

    • How amazing God‟s compassion, 
    • that so vile a worm should prove 
    • this stupendous bliss of heaven, 
    • this unmeasured wealth of love! 

    • Jesus, Saviour, I adore Thee! 
    • Now Thy love I will proclaim; 
    • I will tell the blessed story, 
    • I will magnify Thy name! ......

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Mary D James, Language: English, Viewed: 675 times