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O worship the King,

    • O worship the King, 
    • All glorious above; 
    • O gratefully sing 
    • His power and His love: 
    • Our Shield and Defender, 
    • The Ancient of Days, 
    • Pavilioned in splendour 
    • And girded with praise. 

    • O tell of His might, 
    • O sing of His grace, 
    • Whose robe is the light, 
    • Whose canopy space; 
    • His chariots of wrath 
    • The deep thunder-clouds form, 
    • And dark is His path 
    • On the wings of the storm. 

    • The earth, with its store 
    • Of wonders untold, 
    • Almighty, Thy power 
    • Hath founded of old; 
    • Hath 'stablished it fast, 
    • By a changeless decree, 
    • And round it hath cast, 
    • Like a mantle, the sea. 

    • Thy bountiful care 
    • What tongue can recite? 
    • It breathes in the air, 
    • It shines in the light; 
    • It streams from the hills, 
    • It descends to the plain, 
    • And sweetly distils 
    • In the dew and the rain. 

    • Frail children of dust, 
    • And feeble as frail, 
    • In Thee do we trust, 
    • Nor find Thee to fail; 
    • Thy mercies how tender, 
    • How firm to the end, 
    • Our Maker, Defender, 
    • Redeemer, and Friend! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Robert Grant, Language: English, Viewed: 534 times