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O Lamb of God!

    • O Lamb of God! Thou wonderful sin-bearer, 
    • hard after Thee my soul doth follow on; 
    • as pants the hart for streams in desert dreary, 
    • so pants my soul for Thee, O Thou life-giving One. 

    • At Thy feet I fall, yield Thee up my all, 
    • to suffer, live, or die for my Lord crucified. 

    • I mourn, I mourn the sin that drove Thee from me, 
    • and blackest darkness brought into my soul; 
    • now I renounce the accursed thing that hindered, 
    • and come once more to Thee, to be made fully whole. 

    • Descend the heavens, Thou whom my soul adoreth! 
    • Exchange Thy throne for my poor longing heart; 
    • for Thee, for Thee I watch as for the morning; 
    • no rest or peace is mine from my Saviour apart. 

    • Come, Holy Ghost, Thy mighty aid bestowing, 
    • destroy the works of sin, the self, the pride; 
    • burn, burn in me, my idols overthrowing, 
    • prepare my heart for Him, for my Lord crucified! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: C Booth Clibborn, Language: English, Viewed: 620 times