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O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me

    • O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me, 
    • and all things else recede! 
    • My heart be daily nearer Thee, 
    • from sin be daily freed. 

    • Each day let Thy supporting might 
    • my weakness still embrace; 
    • my darkness vanish in Thy light, 
    • Thy life my death efface. 

    • In Thy bright beams which on me fall 
    • fade every evil thought; 
    • that I am nothing, Thou art all, 
    • I would be daily taught. 

    • More of Thy glory let me see, 
    • Thou Holy, Wise, and True! 
    • I would Thy living image be, 
    • in joy and sorrow too. 

    • Fill me with gladness from above, 
    • hold me by strength Divine; 
    • Lord, let the glow of Thy great love 
    • through my whole being shine. 

    • Make this poor self grow less and less, 
    • be Thou my life and aim; 
    • oh, make me daily through Thy grace 
    • more meet to bear Thy name!

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H B Smith, Language: English, Viewed: 800 times