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I am trusting thee

    • I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus, 
    • Trusting only Thee! 
    • Trusting Thee for full salvation, 
    • Great and free. 

    • I am trusting Thee for pardon, 
    • At Thy feet I bow; 
    • For Thy grace and tender mercy, 
    • Trusting now. 

    • I am trusting Thee for cleansing 
    • In the crimson flood; 
    • Trusting Thee to make me holy, 
    • By Thy blood. 

    • I am trusting Thee for power, 
    • Thine can never fail; 
    • Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me 
    • Must prevail. 

    • I am trusting Thee to guide me, 
    • Thou alone shalt lead; 
    • Every day and hour supplying 
    • All my need. 

    • I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; 
    • Never let me fall; 
    • I am trusting Thee for ever, 
    • And for all

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Frances R. Havergal, Language: English, Viewed: 813 times