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O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head

    • O come, all ye faithful, 
    • Joyful and triumphant, 
    • O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; 
    • Come and behold Him, 
    • Born the King of angels; 

    • O come, let us adore Him, 
    • O come, let us adore Him, 
    • O come, let us adore Him, 
    • Christ the Lord! 

    • God of God, 
    • Light of light, 
    • Lo, He abhors not the virgin's womb; 
    • Very God, 
    • Begotten, not created: 

    • Sing, choirs of angels, 
    • Sing in exultation, 
    • Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above; 
    • Glory to God 
    • In the highest: 

    • Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, 
    • Born this happy morning, 
    • Jesus, to Thee be glory given; 
    • Word of the Father 
    • Now in flesh appearing: 

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Tr. Frederick Oakeley, Language: English, Viewed: 743 times