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My times are in Thy hand

    • My times are in Thy hand; 
    • my God, I wish them there; 
    • my life, my friends, my soul I leave 
    • entirely to Thy care. 

    • My times are in Thy hand, 
    • whatever they may be, 
    • pleasing or painful, dark or bright, 
    • as best may seem to Thee. 

    • My times are in Thy hand; 
    • why should I doubt or fear? 
    • My Father‟s hand will never cause 
    • His child a needless tear. 

    • My times are in Thy hand, 
    • Jesus, the crucified! 
    • Those hands my cruel sins had pierced 
    • are now my guard and guide. 

    • My times are in Thy hand; 
    • I‟ll always trust in Thee; 
    • and, after death, at Thy right hand 
    • I shall for ever be. 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: W F Lloyd, Language: English, Viewed: 1131 times