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My spirit

    • My spirit, soul, and body, 
    • Jesus, I give to Thee, 
    • a consecrated offering, 
    • Thine evermore to be. 

    • My all is on the altar, 
    • Lord, I am all Thine own; 
    • oh, may my faith ne‟er falter! 
    • Lord, keep me Thine alone. 

    • O Jesus, mighty Saviour, 
    • I trust in Thy great name; 
    • I look for Thy salvation, 
    • Thy promise now I claim. 

    • Now, Lord, I yield my members, 
    • from sin‟s dominion free, 
    • for warfare and for triumph, 
    • as weapons unto Thee. 

    • I‟m Thine, O blessed Jesus, 
    • washed in Thy precious blood, 
    • sealed by Thy Holy Spirit, 
    • a sacrifice to God.

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Mary D James, Language: English, Viewed: 718 times