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May the mind of Christ

    • May the mind of Christ my saviour 
    • Live in me from day to day, 
    • By His love and power controlling 
    • All I do and say. 

    • May the word of God dwell richly 
    • In my heart from hour to hour, 
    • So that all may see I triumph 
    • Only through His power. 

    • May the peace of God my Father 
    • Rule my life in everything, 
    • That I may be calm to comfort 
    • Sick and sorrowing. 

    • May the love of Jesus fill me, 
    • As the waters fill the sea; 
    • Him exalting, self abasing, 
    • This is victory. 

    • May I run the race before me, 
    • Strong and brave to face the foe, 
    • Looking only unto Jesus, 
    • As I onward go.

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: J. T. McFarland , Language: English, Viewed: 622 times