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Marching on in the light of God

    • Marching on in the light of God, 
    • marching on, I‟m marching on; 
    • up the path that the Master trod, 
    • marching, marching on. 

    • A robe of white, a crown of gold, 
    • a harp, a home, a mansion fair, 
    • a victor‟s palm, a joy untold, 
    • are mine when I get there. 
    • For Jesus is my Saviour, He‟s washed my sins away, 
    • paid my debt on Calvary‟s mountain; 
    • happy in His dying love, singing all the day, 
    • I‟m living, yes, I‟m living in the fountain. 

    • Marching on through the hosts of sin, 
    • victory‟s mine while I‟ve Christ within. 

    • Marching on while the worldlings sneer, 
    • perfect love casteth out all fear. 

    • Marching on in the Spirit‟s might, 
    • more than conqueror in every fight. 

    • Marching on to the realms above, 
    • there to sing of redeeming love.

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: R Johnson, Language: English, Viewed: 1196 times