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Praise God, for He is kind

    • Praise God, for He is kind: 
    • His mercy lasts for aye. 
    • Give thanks with heart and mind 
    • to God of gods alway: 

    • For certainly 
    • His mercies dure 
    • most firm and sure 
    • eternally. 

    • The Lord of lords praise ye, 
    • whose mercies still endure. 
    • Great wonders only He 
    • doth work by His great power: 

    • Give praise to His great name, 
    • who, by His wisdom high, 
    • the heaven above did frame, 
    • and built the lofty sky: 

    • Who hath remembered us 
    • when in our low estate; 
    • and hath delivered us 
    • from foes who did us hate: 

    • Who to all flesh gives food; 
    • for His grace faileth never. 
    • Give thanks to God most good, 
    • the God of heaven, for ever

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Scottish Psalter, Language: English, Viewed: 759 times