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Sing we the King

    • Sing we the King who is coming to reign; 
    • glory to Jesus the Lamb that was slain; 
    • life and salvation His empire shall bring, 
    • joy to the nations, when Jesus is King. 

    • Come, let us sing praise to our King, 
    • Jesus, our King, Jesus our King; 
    • this is our song, who to Jesus belong 
    • glory to Jesus, to Jesus our King. 

    • Souls shall be saved from the burden of sin, 
    • doubts shall not darken His witness within, 
    • hell hath no terror, and death hath no sting, 
    • love is victorious when Jesus is King. 

    • All men shall dwell in His marvellous light, 
    • races long severed His love shall unite, 
    • justice and truth from His sceptre shall spring, 
    • wrong shall be ended when Jesus is King. 

    • Kingdom of Christ, for Thy coming we pray; 
    • hasten, O Father, the dawn of the day, 
    • when this new song Thy creation shall sing 
    • Satan is vanquished, and Jesus is King

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Silvester Horne, Language: English, Viewed: 574 times