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There’s a Saviour

    • There’s a Saviour from all sin; 
    • if you only let Him in 
    • to your heart, He there will reign, 
    • while you trust Him. 
    • He will put the evil out, 
    • save from every fear and doubt, 
    • and you’ll soon begin to shout, 
    • ‘Hallelujah!’ 

    • Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 
    • Jesus is my Saviour King, 
    • He does full salvation bring, 
    • Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 
    • Now with heart and voice I sing 
    • Hallelujah! 

    • Jesus is a wondrous name, 
    • now and evermore the same. 
    • He can cleanse from every stain, 
    • only trust Him. 
    • He will fill your soul with joy, 
    • and your talents will employ, 
    • Satan’s kingdom to destroy. 
    • Hallelujah! 

    • If from every sin you part, 
    • and let Christ have all your heart, 
    • you need fear no fiery dart, 
    • while you trust Him. 
    • For while Jesus reigns within, 
    • you are proof against all sin, 
    • and His perfect peace you win, 
    • Hallelujah! 

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: John George Govan, Language: English, Viewed: 475 times