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There’s peace in the heart

    • There’s peace in the heart that has Christ for its king; 
    • for His reign and His peace have no end: 
    • in His shelter secure and at rest we can sing, 
    • for His foes to His sceptre must bend. 

    • Then welcome, O Lord, to the throne of my heart! 
    • I’d hail Thee my Saviour and King! 
    • Be Thine all my service, for worthy Thou art, 
    • and forever Thy praise I will sing, 
    • and forever Thy praise I will sing. 

    • There’s truth in the heart when the Lord reigns within, 
    • in the heart and the life, day by day, 
    • with a conscience that seeks to be blameless from sin 
    • and His bidding alone to obey. 

    • There’s strength in the heart when the Lord is its king; 
    • not a task, but His grace will empower; 
    • not a foe, but His hand will deprive of its sting; 
    • blessed Shield and Protector and Tower! 

    • There’s joy in the heart that has Christ on the throne, 
    • such as none but Himself can impart; 
    • This a joy that remaineth when earth’s joys are flown, 
    • This a fullness of joy in the heart

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H E Govan, Language: English, Viewed: 759 times