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There's a Friend for little children

    • There's a Friend for little children 
    • above the bright blue sky, 
    • a Friend that never changes, 
    • whose love will never die: 
    • unlike our friends by nature, 
    • who change with changing years, 
    • this Friend is always worthy 
    • the precious name He bears. 

    • There's a rest for little children 
    • above the bright blue sky, 
    • who love the blessed Saviour, 
    • and to His Father cry: 
    • a rest from every trouble, 
    • from sin and danger free; 
    • there every little pilgrim 
    • shall rest eternally. 

    • There's a home for little children 
    • above the bright blue sky, 
    • where Jesus reigns in glory, 
    • a home of peace and joy: 
    • no home on earth is like it, 
    • or can with it compare, 
    • for every one is happy, 
    • nor can be happier there. 

    • There's a crown for little children 
    • above the bright blue sky, 
    • and all who look to Jesus 
    • shall wear it by and by: 
    • a crown of brightest glory, 
    • which He shall sure bestow 
    • on all who love the Saviour, 
    • and walk with Him below. 

    • There's a song for little children 
    • above the bright blue sky, 
    • and a harp of sweetest music 
    • for their hymn of victory; 
    • and all above is treasured 
    • and found in Christ alone; 
    • O come, dear little children, 
    • that all may be your own! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Albert Midlane , Language: English, Viewed: 2490 times