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They were gathered

    • They were gathered in an upper chamber, 
    • as commanded by the risen Lord, 
    • and the promise of the Father 
    • there they sought with one accord, 
    • when the Holy Ghost from heaven 
    • descended 
    • like a rushing wind and tongues of fire: 
    • so dear Lord, we seek Thy blessing, 
    • come with glory now our hearts inspire. 

    • Let the fire fall, let the fire fall, 
    • let the fire from heaven fall; 
    • we are waiting and expecting, 
    • now in faith, dear Lord, we call; 
    • let the fire fall, let the fire fall, 
    • on Thy promise we depend; 
    • from the glory of Thy presence 
    • let the Pentecostal fire descend. 

    • As Elijah we would raise the altar 
    • for our testimony clear and true, 
    • Christ the Saviour, loving Healer, 
    • coming Lord, Baptizer too, 
    • ever flowing grace and full salvation, 
    • for a ruined race Thy love has planned; 
    • for this blessed revelation, 
    • for Thy written word we dare to stand. 

    • 'This the covenanted promise given 
    • to as many as the Lord shall call, 
    • to the fathers and their children, 
    • to Thy people, one and all; 
    • so rejoicing in Thy word unfailing, 
    • we draw nigh in faith Thy power to 
    • know - 
    • come, O come, Thou burning Spirit, 
    • set our hearts with heavenly fire aglow. 

    • With a living coal from off Thy altar 
    • touch our lips to swell Thy wondrous 
    • praise, 
    • to extol Thee, bless, adore Thee, 
    • and our songs of worship raise; 
    • let the cloud of glory now descending 
    • fill our hearts with holy ecstasy, 
    • come in all Thy glorious fullness, 
    • blessed Holy Spirit, have Thy way

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H Tee , Language: English, Viewed: 17482 times