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Thy hand

    • Thy hand, O God has guided 
    • Thy flock, from age to age; 
    • The wondrous tale is written, 
    • Full clear on every page. 
    • Our fathers owned Thy goodness, 
    • And we their deeds record; 
    • And both of this bear witness: 
    • One Church, one Faith, one Lord. 

    • Thy heralds brought glad tidings 
    • To greatest as to least; 
    • They bade them rise and hasten 
    • To share the great King's feast. 
    • And this was all their teaching 
    • In every deed and word; 
    • To all alike proclaiming: 
    • One Church, one Faith, one Lord. 

    • Through many a day of darkness, 
    • Through many a scene of strife, 
    • The faithful few fought bravely 
    • To guard the nation's life. 
    • Their gospel of redemption, 
    • Sin pardoned, man restored, 
    • Was all in this enfolded: 
    • One Church, one Faith, one Lord. 

    • Thy mercy will not fail us, 
    • Nor leave Thy work undone; 
    • With Thy right hand to help us, 
    • The victory shall be won. 
    • And then, by men and angels, 
    • Thy name shall be adored, 
    • And this shall be their anthem: 
    • One Church, one Faith, one Lord

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Edward Hayes , Language: English, Viewed: 372 times