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This the Church triumphant

    • This the Church triumphant singing, 
    • worthy the Lamb; 
    • heaven throughout with praises ringing, 
    • worthy the Lamb; 
    • thrones and powers before Him bending, 
    • odours sweet with voice ascending, 
    • swell the chorus never ending, 
    • worthy the Lamb. 

    • Every kindred, tongue, and nation, 
    • worthy the Lamb; 
    • join to sing the great salvation, 
    • worthy the Lamb. 
    • loud as mighty thunders roaring, 
    • floods of mighty waters pouring, 
    • prostrate at His feet adoring, 
    • worthy the Lamb. 

    • Harps and songs for ever sounding 
    • worthy the Lamb; 
    • mighty grace o‟er sin abounding, 
    • worthy the Lamb. 
    • By His blood He dearly bought us; 
    • wandering from the fold He sought us, 
    • and to glory safely brought us; 
    • worthy the Lamb. 

    • Sing with blest anticipation, 
    • worthy the Lamb; 
    • through the vale of tribulation, 
    • worthy the Lamb. 
    • Sweetest notes, all notes excelling, 
    • on the theme for ever dwelling, 
    • still untold, though ever telling, 
    • worthy the Lamb

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: J Kent , Language: English, Viewed: 648 times