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This the mystery of the ages

    • This the mystery of the ages, 
    • hid from prophets, priests and sages, 
    • God my seeking heart engages, 
    • He stoops down to dwell in me! 

    • Christ in you the hope eternal, 
    • tell the world the wondrous story, 
    • see Him come, His is the victory! 
    • God stoops down to dwell in me! 

    • God is for us; yea, but in us, 
    • naught but sin does He take from us,then His life He giveth to us, 
    • God stoops down to dwell in me. 

    • We partake of His own nature, 
    • thus to grow to His own stature, 
    • while beholding Him in rapture, 
    • God stoops down to dwell in me! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Colin N Peckham, Language: English, Viewed: 550 times