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Tell me the old, old story

    • Tell me the old, old story 
    • of unseen things above, 
    • of Jesus and His glory, 
    • of Jesus and His love. 
    • Tell me the story simply, 
    • as to a little child, 
    • for I am weak and weary, 
    • and helpless and defiled. 

    • Tell me the old, old story, 
    • tell me the old, old story, 
    • tell me the old, old story 
    • of Jesus and His love. 

    • Tell me the story slowly, 
    • that I may take it in, 
    • that wonderful redemption, 
    • God‟s remedy for sin. 
    • Tell me the story often, 
    • for I forget so soon; 
    • ‘The early dew’ of morning 
    • has passed away at noon. 

    • Tell me the story softly, 
    • with earnest tones and grave; 
    • remember I‟m the sinner 
    • whom Jesus came to save. 
    • Tell me that story always, 
    • if you would really be 
    • in any time of trouble 
    • a comforter to me. 

    • Tell me the same old story, 
    • when you have cause to fear 
    • that this world‟s empty glory 
    • is costing me too dear. 
    • Yes, and when that world‟s glory 
    • is dawning on my soul, 
    • tell me the old, old story: 
    • ‘Christ Jesus makes you whole.’ 

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Arabella C Hankey , Language: English, Viewed: 1144 times