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Teach me Thy way

    • Teach me Thy way, O Lord, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • Thy gracious aid afford, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • Help me to walk aright, 
    • more by faith, less by sight; 
    • lead me with heavenly light: 
    • teach me Thy way! 

    • When doubts and fears arise, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • When storms o‟erspread the skies, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • Shine through the cloud and rain, 
    • through sorrow, toil, and pain; 
    • make Thou my pathway plain: 
    • teach me Thy way! 

    • Long as my life shall last, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • Where‟er my lot be cast, 
    • teach me Thy way! 
    • Until the race is run, 
    • until the journey‟s done, 
    • until the crown is won, 
    • teach me Thy way! 

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: B Mansell Ramsey , Language: English, Viewed: 1111 times