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Take the name of Jesus

    • Take the name of Jesus with you, 
    • child of sorrow and of woe; 
    • it will joy and comfort give you - 
    • take it then where‟er you go. 

    • Precious name, oh, how sweet! 
    • hope of earth and joy of heaven; 
    • precious name, oh, how sweet! 
    • hope of earth and joy of heaven. 

    • Take the name of Jesus ever, 
    • as a shield from every snare; 
    • if temptations round you gather, 
    • breathe that holy name in prayer. 

    • Oh, the precious name of Jesus! 
    • How it thrills our souls with joy, 
    • when His loving arms receive us, 
    • and His songs our tongues employ! 

    • At the name of Jesus bowing, 
    • falling prostrate at His feet; 
    • King of kings in heaven we‟ll crown Him, 
    • when our journey is complete

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: L Baxter, Language: English, Viewed: 595 times