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Where will you spend eternity

    • Where will you spend eternity? 
    • This question comes to you and me. 
    • Tell me, what shall your answer be, 
    • where will you spend eternity? 
    • Eternity! eternity! 
    • Where will you spend eternity? 

    • Many are choosing Christ today, 
    • turning from all their sins away: 
    • heaven shall their happy portion be, 
    • where will you spend eternity? 
    • Eternity! eternity! 
    • Where will you spend eternity? 

    • Leaving the straight and narrow way, 
    • going the downward road today, 
    • sad will their final ending be - 
    • lost through a long eternity! 
    • Eternity! eternity! 
    • Lost through a long eternity! 

    • Repent, believe, this very hour, 
    • trust in the Saviour‟s grace and power, 
    • then will your joyous answer be, 
    • saved through a long eternity! 
    • Eternity! eternity! 
    • Saved through a long eternity! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Elisha A Hoffman, Language: English, Viewed: 2945 times