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When morning gilds the skies

    • When morning gilds the skies 
    • My heart awaking cries: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 
    • Alike at work and prayer 
    • To Jesus I repair: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 

    • Does sadness fill my mind? 
    • A solace here I find: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 
    • When evil thoughts molest, 
    • With this I shield my breast: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 

    • To God, the Word, on high 
    • The hosts of angels cry: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 
    • Let mortals, too, upraise 
    • Their voice in hymns of praise: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 

    • Let earth's wide circle round 
    • In joyful notes resound: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 
    • Let air, and sea, and sky, 
    • From depth to height, reply: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 

    • Be this while life is mine 
    • My canticle divine: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 
    • Be this the eternal song, 
    • Through all the ages long: 
    • 'May Jesus Christ be praised!' 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Tr. Edward Caswall, Language: English, Viewed: 778 times