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When all Your mercies

    • When all Your mercies, O my God, 
    • my rising soul surveys, 
    • transported with the view, I‟m lost 
    • in wonder, love, and praise. 

    • Unnumbered comforts on my soul 
    • Your tender care bestowed, 
    • before my infant heart conceived 
    • from whom those comforts flowed. 

    • Ten thousand thousand precious gifts 
    • my daily thanks employ, 
    • nor is the least a cheerful heart 
    • that tastes those gifts with joy. 

    • Through every period of my life 
    • Your goodness I‟ll pursue 
    • and, after death, in distant worlds, 
    • the glorious theme renew. 

    • Through all eternity to You 
    • a joyful song I‟ll raise; 
    • for, oh, eternity‟s too short 
    • to utter all Your praise! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Joseph Addison, Language: English, Viewed: 239 times