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Wash me O Lamb of God

    • Wash me, O Lamb of God,
    • wash me from sin!
    • By Thine atoning blood,
    • oh, make me clean!
    • Purge me from every stain,
    • let me Thine image gain,
    • in love and mercy reign
    • o'er all within.
    • Wash me, O Lamb of God,
    • wash me from sin!
    • I long to be like Thee,
    • all pure within.
    • Now let the crimson tide,
    • shed from Thy wounded side,
    • be to my heart applied,
    • and make me clean.
    • Wash me, O Lamb of God,
    • wash me from sin!
    • I will not, cannot, rest
    • till pure within.
    • All human skill is vain,
    • but Thou canst cleanse each stain
    • till not a spot remain,
    • made wholly clean.
    • Wash me, O Lamb of God,
    • wash me from sin!
    • By faith Thy cleansing blood
    • now makes me clean.
    • So near art Thou to me,
    • so sweet my rest in Thee,
    • oh, blessed purity,
    • saved, saved from sin!
    • Wash me, O Lamb of God,
    • wash me from sin!
    • Thou while I trust in Thee,
    • wilt keep me clean.
    • Each day to Thee I bring
    • heart, life, yea, everything;
    • saved, while to Thee I cling,
    • saved from all sin!
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H B Beagle, Language: English, Viewed: 2536 times