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A mighty fortress is our God

    • A mighty fortress is our God, 
    • a bulwark never failing; 
    • our helper He amid the flood 
    • of mortal ills prevailing. 
    • For still our ancient foe 
    • doth seek to work us woe; 
    • His craft and power are great, 
    • and, armed with cruel hate, 
    • on earth is not His equal. 

    • With force of arms we nothing can, 
    • full soon were we down ridden; 
    • but for us fights the proper Man 
    • whom God Himself has bidden. 
    • Ask ye: Who is this same? 
    • Christ Jesus is His name, 
    • the Lord Sabaoth‟s Son; 
    • He, and no other one, 
    • shall conquer in the battle. 

    • And were this world all devils o‟er, 
    • and watching to devour us, 
    • we lay it not to heart so sore; 
    • not they can overpower us. 
    • And let the prince of ill 
    • look grim as e‟er he will, 
    • he harms us not a whit; 
    • for why? His doom is writ; 
    • a word shall quickly slay him. 

    • God‟s word, for all their craft and force, 
    • one moment will not linger, 
    • but, spite of hell, shall have its course; 
    • „tis written by His finger. 
    • And though they take our life, 
    • goods, honour, children, wife, 
    • yet is their profit small; 
    • these things shall vanish all, 
    • the city of God remaineth. ......

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Martin Luther, Language: English, Viewed: 1573 times