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Arm of the Lord

    • Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! 
    • Thy power unconquerable take; 
    • Thy strength put on, assert Thy might, 
    • and triumph in the dreadful fight. 

    • Why dost Thou tarry, mighty Lord? 
    • Why slumbers in its sheath Thy sword? 
    • O rouse Thee, for Thine honour‟s sake; 
    • arm of the Lord, awake, awake! 

    • Behold, what numbers still withstand 
    • Thy sovereign rule and just command, 
    • reject Thy grace, Thy threats despise, 
    • and hurl defiance at the skies. 

    • Haste then, but come not to destroy; 
    • mercy is Thine, Thy crown, Thy joy: 
    • their hatred quell, their pride remove, 
    • but melt with grace, subdue with love. 

    • Why dost Thou from the conquest stay? 
    • Why do Thy chariot wheels delay? 
    • Lift up Thyself, hell‟s kingdom shake; 
    • arm of the Lord, awake, awake!
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Henry March , Language: English, Viewed: 535 times