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Angel voices ever singing

    • Angel voices ever singing 
    • Round Thy throne of light, 
    • Angel harps forever ringing, 
    • Rest not day nor night; 
    • Thousands only live to bless Thee, 
    • And confess Thee 
    • Lord of might. 

    • Thou who art beyond the farthest 
    • Mortal eye can scan, 
    • Can it be that Thou regardest 
    • Songs of sinful man? 
    • Can we know that Thou art near us 
    • And wilt hear us? 
    • Yes, we can. 

    • Yes, we know that Thou rejoicest 
    • O'er each work of Thine; 
    • Thou didst ears and hands and voices 
    • For Thy praise design; 
    • Craftsman's art and music's measure 
    • For Thy pleasure 
    • All combine. 

    • In Thy house, great God, we offer 
    • Of Thine own to Thee, 
    • And for Thine acceptance proffer, 
    • All unworthily, 
    • Hearts and minds and hands and voices 
    • In our choicest 
    • Psalmody. 

    • Honour, glory, might, and merit 
    • Thine shall ever be, 
    • Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, 
    • Blessèd Trinity. 
    • Of the best that Thou hast given 
    • Earth and heaven 
    • Render Thee
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Francis Pott , Language: English, Viewed: 2561 times