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Am I a soldier of the cross

    • Am I a soldier of the cross 
    • a follower of the Lamb? 
    • And shall I fear to own His cause 
    • or blush to speak His name? 

    • In the name, the precious name 
    • of Him who died for me, 
    • through grace I‟ll win the promised crown, 
    • whate‟er my cross may be. 

    • Must I be carried to the skies 
    • on flowery beds of ease, 
    • while others fought to win the prize, 
    • and sailed through bloody seas? 

    • Are there no foes for me to face? 
    • Must I not stem the flood? 
    • Is this vile world a friend to grace, 
    • to help me on to God? 

    • Since I must fight if I would reign, 
    • increase my courage, Lord! 
    • I‟ll bear the toil, endure the pain 
    • supported by Thy word
  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Isaac Watts, Language: English, Viewed: 690 times