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Behold the servant

    • Behold the servant of the Lord: 
    • I wait Thy guiding eye to feel, 
    • To hear and keep Thy every word, 
    • To prove and do Thy perfect will; 
    • Joyful from my own works to cease, 
    • Glad to fulfil all righteousness. 

    • Me if Thy grace vouchsafe to use, 
    • Meanest of all Thy creatures, me. 
    • The deed, the time, the manner choose: 
    • Let all my fruit be found of Thee. 
    • Let all my works in Thee be wrought, 
    • By Thee to full perfection brought. 

    • My every weak though good design 
    • O'errule or change, as seems Thee meet: 
    • Jesus, let all my work be Thine - 
    • Thy work, O Lord, is all complete, 
    • And pleasing in Thy Father's sight; 
    • Thou only hast done all things right. 

    • Here then to Thee Thine own I leave; 
    • Mould as Thou wilt Thy passive clay; 
    • But let me all Thy stamp receive, 
    • But let me all Thy words obey, 
    • Serve with a single heart and eye, 
    • And in Thy glory live and die

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Wesley, Language: English, Viewed: 603 times