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Before Your holiness

    • Before Your holiness I bow, 
    • oh Jesus come and cleanse me now, 
    • oh come and take away my sin, 
    • and purify me deep within. 
    • I grieve, I grieve, this dreadful state 
    • the evil hid within, I hate, 
    • the good I would, but cannot do, 
    • I’m left the evil to pursue. 

    • Defiled my very thoughts and mind, 
    • within repulsive sin I find. 
    • How sinful sickness dissipates, 
    • and filthiness makes desolate! 
    • Oh where is there escape for me? 
    • Where can I find His purity? 
    • Oh come Lord Jesus, set me free, 
    • And by Your Blood deliver me! 

    • Your Word is surely ever true, 
    • and what You promise You will do, 
    • so when You claim to purify 
    • this must be true; God cannot lie. 
    • I come then, Jesus, and I stake 
    • my all upon the Word I take. 
    • It is enough! God’s Word to me 
    • will hold throughout eternity. 

    • I claim in faith; the prayer prevails, 
    • and as I trust the Blood avails. 
    • Sin’s power is broken, and I know 
    • my heart is cleansed as white as snow. 
    • The Spirit speaks the Word to me 
    • which gives me glorious liberty. 
    • And all my heart is Yours to fill, 
    • to live for ever in Your will.

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Colin N Peckham, Language: English, Viewed: 666 times