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God is for us

    • God is for us! Thou hast given, 
    • in Thy love, the gift unpriced, 
    • Thine own Son, Thy well-beloved, 
    • Thou hast given us the Christ! 
    • We are for Thee, at Thy service, 
    • yielding all that Thou dost claim, 
    • heeding not the worldling's scorning, 
    • jealous only for Thy name. 

    • Thou art with us, Thou almighty, 
    • through the darkness, through the strife, 
    • binding up the broken-hearted, 
    • crowning with eternal life. 
    • We are with Thee in Thy warfare, 
    • heart and sword be all Thine own: 
    • we are with Thee in Thy triumph, 
    • joy that earth has never known! 

    • Thou art in us, in Thy temple, 
    • so our hearts in silence thrill 
    • while we wait to hear the whisper 
    • of the blessed Master's will. 
    • We are in Thee, in the Holiest, 
    • here our prayers and praise ascend; 
    • in Thy secret place abiding, 
    • till the battle din shall end

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: W J Govan , Language: English, Viewed: 583 times