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Give me a sight

    • Give me a sight, O Saviour, 
    • of Thy wondrous love to me, 
    • of the love that brought Thee down to earth, 
    • to die on Calvary. 

    • Oh, make me understand it, 
    • help me to take it in, 
    • what it meant to Thee, the Holy One, 
    • to bear away my sin. 

    • Was it the nails, O Saviour, 
    • that bound Thee to the tree? 
    • Nay, „twas Thine everlasting love, 
    • Thy love for me, for me. 

    • Oh, wonder of all wonders, 
    • that through Thy death for me, 
    • my open sins, my secret sins, 
    • can all forgiven be. 

    • Then melt my heart, O Saviour, 
    • bend me, yea, break me down, 
    • until I own Thee Conqueror, 
    • and Lord and Sovereign crown

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Katherine A M Kelly, Language: English, Viewed: 968 times