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Forth in Thy name

    • Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go, 
    • My daily labour to pursue, 
    • Thee, only Thee, resolved to know 
    • In all I think, or speak, or do.
    • The task Thy wisdom hath assigned 
    • O let me cheerfully fulfil; 
    • In all my works Thy presence find, 
    • And prove Thy acceptable will. 

    • Thee may I set at my right hand, 
    • Whose eyes my inmost substance see; 
    • And labour on at Thy command, 
    • And offer all my works to Thee. 

    • Give me to bear Thy easy yoke, 
    • And every moment watch and pray, 
    • And still to things eternal look, 
    • And hasten to Thy glorious day. 

    • For Thee delightfully employ 
    • Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath given, 
    • And run my course with even joy, 
    • And closely walk with Thee to heaven.

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Wesley, Language: English, Viewed: 1003 times