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‘For My sake and the gospel's

    • ‘For My sake and the gospel's, go 
    • and tell redemption's story’; 
    • His heralds answer, ‘Be it so, 
    • and Thine, Lord, all the glory!’ 
    • They preach His birth, His life, His Cross, 
    • the love of His atonement, 
    • for whom they count the world but loss, 
    • His Easter, His enthronement. 

    • Hark, hark, the trump of jubilee 
    • proclaims to every nation, 
    • from pole to pole, by land and sea, 
    • glad tidings of salvation. 
    • As nearer draws the day of doom, 
    • while still the battle rages, 
    • the heavenly day-spring, through the gloom, 
    • breaks on the night of ages. 

    • Still on and on the anthems spread 
    • of hallelujah voices, 
    • in concert with the holy dead 
    • the warrior-church rejoices; 
    • their snow-white robes are washed in blood, 
    • their golden harps are ringing; 
    • earth and the paradise of God 
    • one triumph-song are singing. 

    • He comes, whose advent trumpet drowns 
    • the last of time's evangels; 
    • Emmanuel crowned with many crowns, 
    • the Lord of saints and angels: 
    • O Life, Light, Love, the great I AM, 
    • triune, who changest never; 
    • the throne of God and of the Lamb 
    • is Thine, and Thine for ever! 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Edward Henry Bickersteth , Language: English, Viewed: 816 times