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Father of heav'n,

    • Father of heav'n, whose love profound 
    • a ransom for our souls has found: 
    • before your throne we sinners bend - 
    • to us your pard'ning love extend. 

    • Almighty Son, incarnate Word, 
    • our prophet, priest, redeemer, Lord: 
    • before your throne we sinners bend - 
    • to us your saving grace extend. 

    • Eternal Spirit, by whose breath 
    • the soul is raised from sin and death: 
    • before your throne we sinners bend - 
    • to us your living power extend. 

    • Transcendent Father, Spirit, Son - 
    • mysterious Godhead, three in one: 
    • before your throne we sinners bend - 
    • grace, pardon, life to us extend

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Edward Cooper , Language: English, Viewed: 801 times