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Father, although I cannot see

    • Father, although I cannot see 
    • the future You have planned, 
    • and though the path is sometimes dark 
    • and hard to understand: 
    • yet give me faith, through joy and pain, 
    • to trace Your loving hand. 

    • When I recall that in the past 
    • Your promises have stood 
    • through each perplexing circumstance 
    • and every changing mood, 
    • I rest content that all things work 
    • together for my good. 

    • Whatever, then, the future brings 
    • of good or seeming ill, 
    • I ask for strength to follow You 
    • and grace to trust You still; 
    • and I would look for no reward, 
    • except to do Your will

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: John Eddison , Language: English, Viewed: 1226 times