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‘Far above all’

    • ‘Far above all’ is our Saviour enthroned; 
    • crowned is the Lamb who for sinners atoned, 
    • living for ever, to list to our call, 
    • God hath exalted Him ‘far above all.’ 

    • Far above all, far above all!. 
    • Jesus the Crucified, ‘far above all!’ 
    • Low at His footstool adoring we fall, 
    • God hath exalted Him ‘far above all.’ 

    • When the fierce tempest, uplifting its waves, 
    • seeks to engulf us, we cry and He saves; 
    • looking to Jesus, upheld by His hand, 
    • tread we the billows as safe as on land. 

    • High are the cities that dare our assault, 
    • strong are the barriers that call us to halt; 
    • march we on fearless, and down they must fall, 
    • vanquished by faith in Him ‘far above 
    • all.’ 

    • His is the kingdom from pole unto pole, 
    • ‘Far above all’ while the ages shall roll. 
    • With Him the victors, who followed His call, 
    • share in His royalty ‘far above all.’ 

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: H E Govan, Language: English, Viewed: 1476 times