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I was journeying in the noontide

    • I was journeying in the noontide, 
    • when His light shone o‟er my road 
    • and I saw Him in that glory, 
    • saw Him, Jesus, Son of God. 
    • All around, in noonday splendour, 
    • earthly scenes lay fair and bright; 
    • but my eyes no longer see them 
    • for the glory of that light. 

    • I have seen the face of Jesus, 
    • tell me not of aught beside; 
    • I have heard the voice of Jesus, 
    • all my soul is satisfied. 

    • Others, in the summer sunshine, 
    • wearily may journey on; 
    • I have seen a light from heaven, 
    • past the brightness of the sun; 
    • light that knows no cloud, no waning, 
    • light wherein I see His face, 
    • all His love‟s uncounted treasures, 
    • all the riches of His grace. 

    • Marvel not that Christ in glory 
    • all my inmost heart hath won; 
    • not a star to cheer my darkness, 
    • but a light beyond the sun. 
    • All below lies dark and shadowed, 
    • nothing there to claim my heart, 
    • save the lonely track of sorrow 
    • where of old He walked apart. 

    • Sinners, it was not to angels 
    • all this wondrous love was given, 
    • but to one who scorned, despised Him, 
    • scorned and hated Christ in heaven. 
    • From the lowest depths of evil, 
    • to the throne in heaven above, 
    • thus in me He told the measure 
    • of His free unbounded love. ......

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: F Bevan tr, Language: English, Viewed: 664 times