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It is glory just to walk with Him

    • It is glory just to walk with Him whose 
    • blood has ransomed me; 
    • it is rapture for my soul each day. 
    • It is joy divine to feel Him near 
    • where‟er my path may be. 
    • Bless the Lord, it‟s glory all the way! 

    • It is glory just to walk with Him. 
    • It is glory just to walk with Him. 
    • He will guide my steps aright, 
    • through the vale and o‟er the height. 
    • It is glory just to walk with Him. 

    • It is glory when the shadows fall, to 
    • know that He is near. 
    • Oh, what joy to simply trust and pray! 
    • It is glory to abide in Him when skies 
    • above are clear. 
    • Yes, with Him, it‟s glory all the way! 

    • „Twill be glory when I walk with Him 
    • on heaven‟s golden shore, 
    • never from His side again to stray. 
    • „Twill be glory, wondrous glory with the 
    • Saviour ever-more, 
    • everlasting glory all the way!

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Avis M Burgeson, Language: English, Viewed: 357 times