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I lift my heart to Thee

    • I lift my heart to Thee, 
    • Saviour divine; 
    • for Thou art all to me, 
    • and I am Thine. 
    • Is there on earth a closer bond than this, 
    • that my Beloved's mine, and I am His? 

    • Thine am I by all ties; 
    • but chiefly Thine, 
    • that through Thy sacrifice 
    • Thou, Lord, art mine. 
    • By Thine own cords of love so sweetly 
    • wound 
    • around me, I to Thee am closely bound. 

    • To Thee, Thou bleeding Lamb, 
    • I all things owe; 
    • all that I have and am, 
    • and all I know. 
    • All that I have is now no longer mine, 
    • and I am not my own; Lord, I am Thine. 

    • How can I, Lord, withhold 
    • life's brightest hour 
    • from Thee, or gathered gold, 
    • or any power? 
    • Why should I keep one precious thing 
    • from Thee, 
    • when Thou hast given Thine own dear 
    • Self for me?

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Charles Edward Mudie, Language: English, Viewed: 639 times