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I clasp the hand of Love

    • I clasp the hand of Love divine, 
    • I claim the gracious promise mine, 
    • and add to His my countersign, 
    • I take, He undertakes. 

    • I take Thee, blessed Lord, 
    • I give myself to Thee, 
    • and Thou, according to Thy word, 
    • dost undertake for me. 

    • I take salvation full and free, 
    • through Him who gave His life for me, 
    • He undertakes my All to be, 
    • I take, He undertakes. 

    • I take Him as my holiness, 
    • my spirit's spotless heavenly dress, 
    • I take the Lord my Righteousness, 
    • I take, He undertakes. 

    • I take the promised Holy Ghost, 
    • I take the power of Pentecost, 
    • to fill me to the uttermost, 
    • I take, He undertakes. 

    • I take Him for this mortal frame, 
    • I take my healing through His name, 
    • and all His risen life I claim, 
    • I take, He undertakes. 

    • I simply take Him at His word, 
    • I praise Him that my prayer is heard, 
    • and claim my answer from the Lord, 
    • I take, He undertakes.

  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: A B Simpson, Language: English, Viewed: 720 times