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Only You, can shake

    • Only You, can shake the mountains 
    • Only You, can calm the oceans. 
    • Only You, can hold the heavens 
    • In the palm of Your hand. 
    • Tell me who, can look inside me. 
    • Tell me who, can purify me. 
    • Tell me who, still loves me deeply 
    • More than I understand 
    • ONLY YOU 

    • With a word You spoke the heavens into place. 
    • Scattered stars and gave the earth it's frame. 
    • What is man that You should touch him with your grace? 
    • And who am I oh God, 
    • That You should know my name? ......

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 374 times