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Once our blessed Christ of beauty

    • Once our blessed Christ of beauty 
    • was veiled off from human view; 
    • but through suffering death and sorrow 
    • He has rent the veil in two. 

    • O behold the man of sorrows, 
    • O behold Him in plain view, 
    • lo! He is the mighty conqueror, 
    • since He rent the veil in two, 
    • lo! He is the mighty conqueror, 
    • since He rent the veil in two. 

    • Yes, He is with God, the Father, 
    • interceding there for you; 
    • for He is the mighty conqueror, 
    • since He rent the veil in two. 

    • Holy angels bow before Him, 
    • men of earth give praises due; 
    • for He is the well beloved, 
    • since He rent the veil in two. 

    • Throughout time and endless ages, 
    • heights and depths of love so true; 
    • He alone can be the giver, 
    • since He rent the veil in two. ......

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  • Album: English Hymns, Artist: Unknown Artist, Language: English, Viewed: 266 times